Thursday, December 23, 2010

Week Thirteen: December 13th to 19th

In order to take flight, one needs some sort wing wing-like device or Da Vinci-esque apparatus. Due to my commitment to bearding excellence, and the recent push to ever-increasing facial hair lengths over the quest to win style points, I happily discovered this week's creation: "Take Flight."
Had I not allowed my facial mane to grow to such an extent, curling slightly under the jaw, I would not have happened upon a great hirsute accident. No doubt owing to my hard-sleeping patterns--I often press my pillow so hard with my face that the pillow creases do not shake from my skin until nearly three hours later (though maybe that has something to do with my older face...)--I often awaken with some strange snarls in the chin and jaw region. One day I spied what appeared to be wings on one side of my face, surprising myself with the fact that the hairs curling under my lower mandible had grown to such lengths without my knowledge. Surprising when you consider that my students give me a hard time because, as they say, "you are always playing with your beard."
Back when I was in late elementary school and early middle school, in the time when it was a proven fact that my mother did not relish getting us haircuts of any kind, my hair grew so far down the sides of my head that my slightly-poking out ears forced that hair out and away in the manner of wings. Though I did not approve of the look at the time--even a few years later, after discovering the fastest-talking mumble-barber in town who could shave a nice high-and-tight, I called that winged hairdo my Planet of the Apes look--I now celebrate it any time I see old photos of myself. My brother with the Dutch-Boy bowl-cut and I with my premature mop-top, finely parted down the middle. Who knew what our bearding future held?
Regardless, the wing on the side of my face that fateful morning prompted some facial mashing and beard-tugging to see if I could match it with a symmetrical design. Lo and behold, I could. And so we have the chance, at last, to Take Flight.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Week Twelve: December 6th to 12th

Pre-Week: Well, there really was no pre-week on this one because, as those few loyal followers out there may have noticed, it has been several weeks since I put The Mandible out there for public consumption. What followed was a "(blank)-it-all" week or so of anger and frustration during which I wanted to do little more than be angry. So, for those few of you who turn to this page for enjoyment, I apologize for the delay. Sadly, none of this anger stemmed from beard-related issues...if only!

If you followed The Beard Blog last year (so, three of you) then you'll recall I had a few weeks during the Spring when I let the beard go all kinds of backwoods mountain man and then followed with a beard called "National Beard Certification." That was all as I was completing a year-plus long project for National Board Certification for Teaching. It is a ridiculously long, time-intensive, life-encompassing process that allows you to do little else, especially if you are as obsessive about such achievement-oriented things as I am. I will not bore you with the details of the life-consumption of this process; suffice it to say, even with all that in mind, you know you are facing a somewhat-losing prospect, as about 40% of first-time candidates achieve certification. (And, very few people in the teaching profession even attempt it, so those committed enough to attempt it would surely be crushed by disappointment if they put in all the work and did not achieve it.)

As you may have guessed, I did not manage to make it. So, the day after conferences, I find my self in the troubling position of dealing with unbound anger, mostly at myself, and still the expectation that I teach Second Graders with happiness and patience. Somehow I managed that much--it wasn't their fault, after all.

So, long story short, I took some time away from this Blog, and all extraneous things, and sifted through the rage, only to return, because what better diversion than continuing to cultivate a flowing mane of facial hair? Stay tuned in week's to come...there will be changes!