Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week Thirty-Seven: May 17th

As I have said, for many weeks, the rumor mill has been stoking about my possible move to Second Grade. The intrigue surrounding the whole event is funny to me and it is so baffling to almost everyone who ponders it that I felt I must fuel the fire with a bit of well-times facial farce. Thus, I bring you "The Question." No surprise what next week's final entry might be called....
Then, when the time came for the annual storytelling I do at my elementary school, they somehow saw fit to dub it (no joke), "An Evening with the Mysterious Mr. Chisholm." I thought it was hilarious, even if it was only because no one believed my actual theme and title when I told them. (It was called "Writer's Block.") So, the question mark beard did double-duty. Of course, with only a week-and-a-half of school remaining when I showed up with this one, the kids took little notice. Their brains are elsewhere, even if I continue to be one of those mean teachers who expects work right until the end.

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