Monday, March 21, 2011

Week Twenty-Six: March 14th to 20th

Those among us not blessed with particularly strong chins must find ways to compensate. Though I do not have the weakest chin in recorded history, and most-certainly do not possess a nonexistent chin (what do the skulls of those people look like?) I find it brings out the chin-definition a bit more if I garnish it with some chin-sprout.
In this case, the sprout has reached larger proportions. I took this particular photo after concluding a longer run in which I noticed my shadow-profile several times and saw that it looked like a square-jawed caricature of myself. I had spied something like this over the past week or so, usually while running and almost always when the sun was at my back, but I assumed that could not have been my head. Now, I already have an extremely large head (dwarfed only by my father's enormous size 8-hat-wearing dome among people I have met; and have given that gene to our younger daughter, pictured in the previous post--poor girl, she will not thank me for that) but the shadow-picture I saw was so much more than a large cranium. This was a large jaw.
Add to that the fact that several times this week a breeze caught me cross-ways while running and I actually felt the tug on my beard, drastically slowing my barely-streamlined quality. Now, I have felt the drag of past beards in the water as I swam laps during Summer training, but to be caught by the chin on a run was an entirely different experience.
The beard continues to garner attention from on-lookers and chance encounters. May favorite from this week: one cashier I encountered took a long glance at it and then summed up his opinion with this question, "What is that your rally-beard, or something?" Something like that.

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