And before you get any grandiose ideas, thinking back upon past posts (circa: week six--The Middle Finger) no, this was not an attempt to show my better side, displayed upon my chin. Besides, I know my hindquarters would never fit on my face, no matter how big my noggin happens to be. And that is saying something...but what it is, even I don't know.
I call this week's delivery the Full Moon, and tried to do it justice with the photo at left. See: rounded--OK, maybe oval in shape--but nonetheless featuring the telltale craters we see as the "Man in the Moon." Oh yeah, I wore the craters with pride all week.
Maybe inspired by the Halloween weekend, or enjoying that I had finally gained enough thickness on the chin to play around with it and have it show up and stand out, I believed the Full Moon a bold step forward. At the very least it is a gesture of support to my Kindergarten daughter, who faithfully records her nightly moon observations in her Moon Journal. I wonder if her teacher would appreciate a photo of this chin-garden attached to the journal upon its return next month?
Maybe Adelai's teacher would appreciate the story of the full moon over Lake Winnepesaukee. More commonly known as the spread and fire story. That's always a crowd pleaser!