Sunday, December 20, 2009

Week Seventeen: December 14th

Sadly, I did not keep my hair like this all week. You had to know "The King" would pay a visit at some point during this homage to all things hairy. Far be it from me to play it straight in my tribute. My Blue Christmas looks more like the Can-Do-Without-This Christmas look. So much for my ability to morph into various characters each day. The lady-grabbing lip curl of the man himself translates into a semi-disgusted look on my face. Oh well. I was always far more convincing looking like a skeptic, especially when it comes to being skeptical of myself.

The other nice thing about this look was that I could finally trim the 'burns held over from the Van Buren. Good Lord, those babies were driving me nuts! So thick were they that every time I smiled (which is approximately once every few seconds) the longer hairs would poke into my ears. I have enough worry about old-man ear-hairs without several thousand reminders of my advancing age, and impending appearance of hair everywhere, each day.

Maybe I'll just start frying some bananas and peanut butter for lunch and taking the girls with me on my voyage to hardened arteries.

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