Sunday, December 13, 2009

Week Sixteen: December 7th

Taking it to the Top Shelf. That's what this week's entry was all about. Strange, again, to reveal my chin, as so many people, including my own two daughters, never see it. The sweet 'stache kept me laughing throughout the week. It wasn't long enough to irritate my nose (all the reason not to grow one of those Walrus-specials) and it was short enough to forget about it altogether. Only in restrooms or car mirrors would I catch a glimpse of the lip-worm and shake my head at its ludicrous appearance.

Strangely, several of my students noticed this look, commenting particularly on the mustache. The first one to mention anything was my student just returning from a month overseas. These were the second words out of his mouth: "Ooh, nice. You are growing a mustache and beard, Mr. Chisholm?"
Later, as he pointed it out again, one of his classmates kindly pointed out the fact that HE too was growing a mustache. The boy turned to the other and said, "Yeah, I just got back from vacation, I hadn't thought about shaving while I was away." Sadly, he was serious. What are they feeding these fourth graders?

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