Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weeks Fourteen and Fifteen: December 20th to January 2nd

Ah, those fortunate few students who were present right until the bell on the afternoon of December 22nd--the last full day before the extended Winter Break--they were the only ones to glimpse this epic in the making. For this photo, I combed-out the hair that had been tucked under my chin for weeks, surprising even myself. Those students, both of them, present to witness the spectacle were on the verge of lack of speech, which is saying something for a Second Grader who has only days of free time spreading out before him until the New Year.

I had to savor my glory while it lasted. My parents had been raving about my brother's face-mane for weeks, and in that way in which only hopeful mothers may rave: "Oh, I do hope you boys will shave before we do family photos at Christmas. Of course, she knows both of us well enough to be sure that saying something like that is the only sure way to have the near-twin manes appear in all Christmas photos.

Since I do not get to see my brother very often--he, like my parents, lives in New Hampshire--I had no idea what to expect. I hoped only to capture a photo of Brothers in Beards while we visited. Time will tell...

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