Saturday, January 29, 2011

Weeks Eighteen and Nineteen: January 17th to 30th

I was pondering the queries of anyone who stumbles upon this site out there. Now that seemingly everything is connected in microseconds, there is no hiding anything launched into the web that is e-communication. Based on some recent news events, I am sure some folks would wish that not to be the case.

I could imagine someone finding this blog and wondering: "Why does this guy insist on taking close-ups of his face? It's not like he's a good-looking dude..." or "What's with this dude, does he want to be an actor or something?" Then, for the few who might actually read the accompanying text, one can only imagine speculations about me and what kinds of screws rattling loose in my upper region.

No matter: as the beard grows, so does its notoriety. People who have seen me nearly every day of its growth now feel free to comment on it, often with inquiries about how long I plan to keep this up. Though a mostly innocent question, I love the facial expressions with which they deliver it, and revel in the fact that most people make no attempt to control their looks of disgust. Even my students ask, "Um, when are you going to cut it again? It's too big!" Every once in a while one of them pokes a finger into my chin or jaw and then removes it to tell a friend, with shock, "Whoa--it's thick!" One Fifth Grader who hadn't seen me in a couple of weeks (they are in the opposite wing of our school) stopped dead in the middle of the hall yesterday and said, "Oh, NICE beard!" Why thank you; I agree.

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