Saturday, May 28, 2011

Week Thirty-Four: May 9th to 15th

Among our numerous responsibilities as Tough Mudders was the obligation to wear our orange headbands to work on the Monday following the race. If you have visited the Tough Mudder site you must surely have seen evidence of such proud behavior...doctors performing surgery in orange headbands (however sterile they might be) and various office cubers donning the splash of color to offset the drab white and gray walls that must crush them daily.

Of course, I forgot to wear my headband on Monday and every other day this week. I rediscovered it on Friday and wore it on the next several runs to show my support and proud finisher status. Personally, I found it matched the beard rather well. When I showed my students the photos from the race they could not figure out why my hair was dark brown and my beard red while my brother's hair was dark blonde and his beard nearly black, in the style of Brian Wilson (the closer for the San Francisco Giants, not the extra-large surf-singer.) Neither can we, but both beards looked extra-solid beneath the bright orange straps of tight-fitting melon elastic. Perhaps it is also why I have once again heard the rekindling of the "Run, Forrest, Run" calls on my daily runs.

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