Sunday, May 29, 2011

Week Thirty-Five: May 16th to 22nd

The most important thing is a strong finish. As the kids and I wrap up our school year together (this week was our second-to-last) we talk a lot about how to finish well. Or, at least I do. I don't know that they are quite as interested in how well they finish but much more in the fact that they are almost finished. My students have been watching our 5th Graders trumpet their year's conclusion for weeks now, and they want their turn. Of course, for my students, they will return in the Fall and have three more years at our school. The 5th Graders rub in all of our faces that they have but days left to grace us with their presence.

As we near the end of the school year, I get questions from the other teachers about if I am going to shave the beard off during the Summer, telling me, "Do you realize how hot it gets here during the Summer?" Having worked outside at the zoo every day of every Summer for the past eleven years I know full well just how hot it gets, so I need not be reminded. As for shaving plans, I am sure I will gradually thin it out as the Summer progresses (each week at the Zoo Camp where I work there are bets about doing crazy things for the kids prior to our Thursday night pre-overnight performance) so I know the beard will not survive the onslaught of bets to come, and that is probably for the best. Until then, grow on!

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