Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week Two: August 31st

If only I could have pulled off Abe's sweet coif on this one as well. Ah, such are the trials of those who shave their heads during the summer. I would have preferred a bit more thickness in the chin region, but that might have been confused for the Amish, which I am sure will happen at a later date.
Looking at the photo now, I should have busted out the bow tie and gone after this in pioneer fashion. Well, I'll make up for it by popping out a fat split-rail fence to sequester our family environs from the rest of our ghetto-hood. Who needs chain link? Split rail is the new fortress!
One of my students noticed, but only enough to ask, "Did you shave something?" While another inquired, "What, you can't grow a mustache? NOT that I want you too." Oh, that day will come my friend, that day will come.

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