Monday, October 26, 2009

Week Nine: October 19th

A scary look, to be sure, though not nearly as scary in the application. I took one look at the picture and toyed with the idea of calling this "The Meph," but feared the repercussions from untold Internet viewings and sharings. People would begin to add up the accoutrement of my daily existence...(1) strange-looking guy, (2) strange-looking facial hair, (3) something not right in his cranial region, (4) enjoys dressing-up, but (5) somehow, not gay and, (6) anniversary near/on Halloween...he must be in a coven! At the very least he must practice the arts of a Wicca, those in the field of witchcraft, as they walk among us! How could we know?

Let's all relax. I brew no potions at home and, though I have been known to drink the occasional brew in my time, most of those days have long since passed. Plus, those brews never came from cauldrons, though there were many late nights all those years ago, and who knows from what vessels I actually consumed said brew. But that is another story.

Again, I needed a bridging beard between two looks: the former,The Trident, and the latter, the special Halloween facial concoction still in the making. As expected, The Point drew few comments, save one disgusted sneer from a student of mine who said, "Ech, what is that supposed to be now?"

So, though I did find myself tugging mercilessly on my chin all week, to keep the point sharp, I found little other need for explanation. If not mysterious, what was Meph?

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