Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week Ten: October 26th

The beauty of "Letting It Go" was that a few people finally noticed I was growing something! In the photo, you can see the full shag overtaking the chin area, making it look like I concluded a major pub crawl and returned several dozen (pounds) the worse for wear. Maybe the camera adds ten pounds, but this beard appeared to add at least that many. I am almost tempted to ditch the whole jaw-yard and start fresh, just so I can remember I have skin under there somewhere.

Then again, what would be the fun in that?

One of my female students (most of the "girls" to whom I refer in these posts are actually the same girl) snapped off the zing on Monday morning as she looked in disgust at my chin and asked, "So, what, you are actually trying to grow a beard now?" Now, why would I do that? That just feels so...normal.

At some point, I will go with the full facial shag, but that feels more winter-appropriate. The weather here is still changing far too much to head (or chin, as it may be) in that direction just yet.

Then again, maybe getting rid of it all isn't such a bad idea. We have had so much rain in the past two weeks (concluding with several inches yesterday) that my chin might follow our basement in the mold and mildew-growing contest. Our river valley abode is already moist enough, and our house perpetually smells like a confluence of basement and garage, that I need not add to that insulting olfactory cornucopia with chin, lip and jaw emanations.

1 comment:

  1. I must confess I wasn't paying attention to your beard in the picture.

    When I first looked at the picture I was like "Wow. His hair kinda looks like Dr. Daniel Jackson's from Stargate!"

    And then I was like "ohh yeah. Beard Blog!"
