Monday, November 15, 2010

Week Eleven: November 15th to 21st

Pre-Week: What better way to kick-off the Parent-Teacher Conference week than with a strong showing like The Mandible? This joint-contrivance between the husband and wife team who reside in our domicile will surely provide many discussion points, and no small measure of distraction during our frank discussions later this week.

I already have some heavy competition for next week's entry--perhaps not surprisingly, considering the proximity to Thanksgiving--but feel free to attack the post and my e-mail inbox (or even text messaging, for those precious few to know my cell phone number.) The deadline for next week's voting is Sunday, November 21st at 4 PM. See you out there!

Week in Review: Not much to report from the kids on this one, though they do enjoy making weekly recommendations for new animals and designs. Many former students, the alumni of last year's Beard Blog edition, return to my room before school at least once a week to check on the progress of my facial hair. Must make the teacher feel good to know he is contributing something to the interest of students at his school....

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