Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Week Nine: November 1st to 7th

Pre-Week: This look was actually a husband and wife, jointly-concocted iteration of now-distant memories from our late High School and College years. We present: The English Professor. Though I almost captured the imperious and aloof look so many of them wear as skin masks, I hardly did the clothing justice. After all, it is not easy to conjure an elbow-patched tweed jacket on a whim. If only....
Voting on next week's entry begins now. Feel free to e-mail me or post a comment on this blog page. The voting window closes on Sunday, November 7th at 4 PM. Don't be late!
Week in Review: Not surprisingly, this pretentious facial motif garnered little attention. It did allow me to build a stronger beard base for future weeks (and reach some of the bearding goals many loyal followers have laid out for me.) A few of my students groused about the lack of design, wondering where the river on my neck was and why I just grew a regular beard, so they are all-in on this game. My original idea was to have them do the voting, and that may yet turn out to be an enticing option. For now, I will continue to submit myself to the whims of the faithful few followers.

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