Friday, September 3, 2010

Beard Democracy: Humble Beginnings

And away we go with this year's beard challenge...
For this year's Beard Blog, I have decided that I will open up the beard-dom to any faithful followers (all one of you) who would like to influence my weekly facial hair motifs. My original plan was to teach my new Second Grade students (yes, I have moved down a few grade levels) all about good citizenship and voting by having them vote on weekly beard designs. But, I thought better of it, and not least of which because I am likely to get some grief about hogging the learning airspace with my beard fanaticism.
So, for those of you who would like to participate, here are the ground rules:
(1) You must post a suggestion in my comments section or you may e-mail me with your suggestion for the following week's beard theme.
(2) All beard suggestions must meet the deadline posted with each new beard.
(3) Each new beard must be built using the raw materials from the previous week--I cannot work facial hair miracles here, folks. (See the current facial sporting above.)
(4) All beards must be clean, and you know what I mean--keeping in mind, again, that I teach at an elementary school.
Other than that, have at it. I will take suggestions for Week One's beard until 4 PM on Monday, September 6th. I will choose the weekly winner. Don't be discouraged if yours is not selected, there are many beards ahead!
So, have at it. Come on, let's be realistic, how many times will you get the chance to tell me what to do and I might actually listen?


  1. I feel you need to read this:

    There are some seriously manly beards/moustaches to live up to!

  2. I say lead it off strong with the Captain Lou Albano, complete with rubber bands on the face and all. The tufted goater might not be long enough to put in a goat-tail, but I think we'll let it slide.

  3. In celebration of the impending national holiday, I propose the "freedom," inspired by the eagle on the seal of this great nation. You've already got the makings of the wings (as I incorrectly identified the current look as an albatross) and the olive branch- and arrow-clutching talons are only a trim away. Let the eeeeeeagle sooooooar, like it's never soooooooared before.....

  4. Ok, I know I don't sport a beard or a mustache (and hopefully never will with old age), but I think you should try a Star-burns look. (He's the lunch guy on the NBC sitcom Community)

    Here's a pic for you

  5. Have you done the Snidely Whiplash? Because that is a classic. At some point you should also do two "w"'s on the sides of your face and make your mouth the "o".
