Monday, September 27, 2010

Week Four: The Modified Fu

Pre-Week: This week's winner, submitted by Burt (my college roommate during Freshman year at Providence) is the Modified Fu-Manchu. OK, so technically, Burt wanted the traditional Fu, but I took the liberty to exercise my creative facial rights, thinking ahead to the malleability of options this look might spawn. The stout handlebars and the thick center stripe...think about what you could have me do for week 5. Voting opens now, and carries forth until Sunday, October 3rd, at 4 PM.
Week In Review: Other than the odd comment about how I shaved again, or questions about my recent haircut--you'd be amazed at how much a little facial hair change throws people off--there was very little bluster about this week. Perhaps it is still too early in the going, or the Fu Manchu, even in this modified state is not enough to incite crowd rioting over changes in jaw looks. So sad. American Chopper I was not....


  1. I'm voting for Evil twin chris- pointy stash and goat in honor or the Month that celerates sudo-evil!


  2. I like this one. I've always liked the mustaches that go all the way down to the jawline. Sexah.
