Monday, October 11, 2010

Week Six: October 11th to 17th

Pre-Week: I would have preferred to spot this one up from the chin-post coming out of a fuller hair-face week, but the adoring Beard Blog-crowd wants what it wants. The Snidely Whiplash is brought to you courtesy of a convincing campaign from Emily, with whom I work at the Zoo during the Summer. She resubmitted this request a number of times and it came up as this week's winner. I hardly do it justice, with a thin crop of cheek fur, but it was due.
To be next week's winner, you too can submit your vote: either e-mail me or post a comment here by Sunday, October 17th at 4:oo PM. Who knows where this chin may take me next....
Week In Review: Maybe due to the light coloration of this number, there were not many comments. Some of my students noticed the "check-marks" on the sides of my face, while others wondered aloud why I went with just a mustache this time. One, wise beyond his years stated it simply, "Look, don't you know, he changes his look every week? That's his thing." Too true, young learner, too true.

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