Thursday, October 28, 2010

Week Eight: October 25th-31st

Pre-Week: With a lag in voting, and many suggestions requiring a stronger base from which to build, I elected to vote in the "Back to Home Base" this week. Perhaps this will allow for some of the more creative beards I know you all have lurking in your imaginations. Perhaps a beard and 'burn combo..." Get those votes in by 4 PM on Sunday, October 31st!
Week in Review: Perhaps due to the fifteen-minutes-of-fame attention span of so many these days, and let's face it, with the advent of technology to entertain us all day, every day, we can hardly think for ourselves anymore, I received very few votes on this week's entry. There I go, growing a base to allow for many options and I get nearly shut out at the polls. That'll show me.
No, I chalk it up to the ferocity of this look and how intimidated all followers must be. Fear kept them all away. What if I vote and he doesn't like it? I mean, this guy looks serious AND ferocious...serocious, if you will. Yeah, that's probably it.

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